Thursday, July 9, 2009

7-9-09 evening progress

BP 136/71 Pulse 93
Weight 213.2 lbs
Taking medications for pain:Hydrocodone/APAP 5mg/325mg 1 tabs every 4 hrs - lowered dosage with minimal increase in discomfort
Ibuprophen 200mg every 4-6 hrs

The back pain and stiffness is biggest challenge today. The incision is beginning to itch a bit but nothing that will drive me crazy. Except for a bit at the top and bottom of the incision, the scabs have pretty much come off on their own.

I am being slapped with the realization how limited I am. I had to leave the garbage and recycle cans on the curb all day because they are over my weight limit. Rocket was in Dallas today so I had to wait for him to get them in. I am unable to use any of my guitars because they are all over my weight restriction. Maybe I can get a Martin Backpackerto use while on restricted weight. Being unable to drive is another biggie. I wanted to run a quick errand today, to see if Guitar Center hadthe Backpacker, but ended up just forgetting about it. I didn't want to bother Roni with it so I just blew it off. It wasn't very important anyway.

Oh well, my heart still sounds good. :)

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