Thursday, July 9, 2009

7-9-09 morning progress

BP 110/72 Pulse 90
Weight 212.4 lbs

Taking medications for pain:Hydrocodone/APAP 5mg/325mg 2 tabs every 4 hrs - I am going to attempt to reduce the dosage today to 1 per 4hrs
Ibuprophen 200mg every 4-6 hrs

Today started off very well. I slept through a med dose by three hours. When I woke, I was not in that much pain, maybe a 3 or 3.5. That's not bad at all.

So far today, no muscle spasms. That's a great relief!

The incision is almost to the point where is doesn't need mentioning. It is almost completely healed and even the surgical bruising is fading. There are almost no scabs left -- just skin.

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