Tuesday, July 28, 2009

7-28-09 update

BP 112/74 Pulse 88
Weight 215.4 lbs

The incision is healing nicely. I just have a bit of a teardrop at the bottom of the incision that hasn't fully healed yet. The breastbone is still an source of much discomfort. Laughing, sneezing, coughing and hiccuping make me hurt. I slept through a dose today by about 3 hours and woke with a very heavy chest and quite a bit of pain when I got out of bed. It was not earth shattering pain but it hurt. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was probably a 5. Not bad compared to a month ago.

Taking medications for pain:
Hydrocodone/APAP 5mg/325mg 1 tab every 4 hrs

Once again, the extreme outside heat kept me indoors yesterday. I did not get out for a walk. Today I see Dr. Oswalt. Hopefully, he will clear me to drive and return at least part of my regular activities.

Have a great day.

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