Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7-8-09 evening progress

BP 111/75 Pulse 89
Weight 214.4 lbs

Taking medications for pain:Hydrocodone/APAP 5mg/325mg 2 tabs every 4 hrs
Ibuprophen 200mg every 4-6 hrs

Today has been a much better day as far as pain is concerned. The spasms in the upper torso are not that bad. The spasms are fewer and the pain level is pushed to, maybe, a weak 6 rather than a solid 8. Getting in and out of a sleeping position is still very uncomfortable but it is getting better. The incision is healing nicely (on left).
My "bullet holes" where the chest tubes were (close-up, bottom right) look scary but are also healing quite well.

I actually took a nap today! Woo Hoo! All those years in daycare of messing around during nap time and now it's a treat. Holy cow! Does that mean I've gotten old? Maybe it means I am returning to childhood.
My energy level is improving but my appetite has not quite returned to its former glory. The latter is probably a good thing.

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