Monday, July 20, 2009

7-20-09 morning update

BP 120/66 Pulse 83
Weight 214.5 lbs

The incision is healing fine. I still feel some pain and stiffness under the incision but it continues to improve. I can now get out of bed in the morning with a minimum of hassle. It's not easy yet but at least I don't wake Veronica with all of my groaning when I get out of bed.

Taking medications for pain:
Hydrocodone/APAP 5mg/325mg 1 tab every 4 hrs except when experiencing increased pain
Ibuprophen 200mg every 4-6 hrs

I went for a longish walk yesterday (45 mins) before the temperature got over 90. I probably overdid it but it felt good to walk for an extended period without my chest burning. Dr. Mingea said the burning was due to blood being forced back to the lungs through my mitral valve. Funny, I've experienced burning lungs upon exertion my entire life but I never thought anything of it. I even played tennis and swam competitively in my younger years. I thought that was just what happened when you breathed hard. It would usually start to subside after 15-20 minutes of activity (or maybe I just got used to it).
I walked for about 30 minutes today. I felt good. I really want to try running but I do not want to over-do it while I am healing. It's not like heart surgery fixed by knees and ankles anyway.

I see Dr. Oswalt on the 26th. Hopefully, he will lighten up on my restrictions so I can do more. I especially want to get clearance to drive.

Have a great day.

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