Saturday, August 15, 2009

8-15-09 update

BP 134/82 Pulse 72 (BP seems high today. Ate too much Indian food last night. Salt, maybe?)
Weight 214.9 lbs

Today was a pretty good day. My breastbone under the incision still itches and probably will for a while. I was able to lay on my side this early this morning without any discomfort. I actually fell asleep for a while like that. I even started dreaming. When I woke, I had only been out 20-30 minutes. For me to go to deep sleep that fast is remarkable.

Walked a short while outside at around 10 am. It was already getting hot so I came in after only 30 minutes. I walked 30 minutes in the evening on our old raggedy treadmill. At some point we should get a new one but since money doesn't fall from the sky on my lawn, I'll have to plan for that purchase. :-)

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