Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8-11-09 update

BP 128/85 Pulse 84
Weight 214.5 lbs

My chest is still sore inside. Coughing and sneezing still hurt but not like I'm going to burst open. The itching under my incision has gotten a bit worse but not too bad. Rubbing helps a little. Scratching does no good.

Attempting to go into work last week was a mistake. What I though was going well at work came around to bite me this weekend. I felt the worst I have in weeks. Back pain, chest soreness -- the works. I probably should have waited for the all clear from my cardiologist. I am seeing Dr. Mingea today. Five weeks may have been a little ambitious of a return to work in the office. I continue to do conference calls and emails from home.

Since Friday, I haven't been out for a walk. I need to get out. The combination of not feeling well and the extreme heat have discouraged me. I will try to get out at night but I find I am getting tired early again. The lack of exercise is probably adding to my lack of energy. I will force myself out tonight. Maybe I'll go some place air conditioned to walk. That's what the other "old people" do. :P

I'm trying not to get discouraged but I am really ready for this to all be behind me.

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